When it is ok to manipulate?? I call it that for this this entry, but influence is in the same family!
In order to get a better job? higher salary? more helpful husband? friends, family, colleagues? doctors, nurses?
Do we not manipulate us through the day?
I don't like to admit it, but I do it because sometimes it is easier to get things done, but I mean no harm, at least now knowingly..

Politicians are the biggest manipulator available. They are willing to sell their souls to get elected to parliament. The royals talk so much of tradition and the kingdom, but when their people are starving, and out of a job, they are buying couture fashion.
Manipulators can be people that have the intention of hurting you, but it is not them I am thinking about.
Its the more knowingly form of social influence manipulation I am thinking of.
We talk about the negatives side of manipulation, an only really bad people are using it. It a curse word when you want to make someone feel bad for sharing their innermost hidden thoughts. But I think we all do it, when we really want that job, or a new handbag, I have on several occasions actually manipulated myself into buying shoes.how bright is that?? making me belive I really need it.
And that goes with doctors to.. I know now what they want to hear, so I know what to say, so I will increase my chances of getting help.. But honestly, who wouldn't? For when I am honest they give me this look, like I am a freak for having normal scared of being sick, dying thoughts!

Isn't that the same as when women say no, they mean yes? when you are using reverse psychology on someone? Telling them they look skinny, when they are not? Or a doctors who are trying to persuade patients to change unhealthy habits, and lifestyles?
A lot of the time i think we do it to be nice, or to help ourself with something we think we deserve..
We need to learn from each other, influence someone to do better, feel better, be better.
Manipulate the shit out of the world leaders so we can get some peace on this planet... Think if we could have manipulated pharmaceutical companies to make drugs because they want to help people and not for the profit? The Food industry was about feeding all living creatures? Made tyrants give themselves the same punishment that they had inflicted onto others?? Thats starting to sound like I world I would have liked to lived in..
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