

Thursday, March 3, 2011

7 Multi use...

I bought this LUNS writing/magnetic board a month ago. I had done a lot of research, but I couldn't really find anyone that I liked. But the Luns on Ikea was everything I wanted. It was magnetic and write able. And the price $14.99. I did find one that could only be written on, and it retailed for $53.54!

Instead of keys I hang my Shoehorn on the hook for easy access.

But I didn't like the color, so I painted it white. Then I painted the hooks underneath brown. The final thing I wanted was somewhere to hang cards or pictures of the month. I wanted to hang up pictures of those who have birthday so I wont forget. Like I have told before, I forget everything, so this board is going to jog my memory.
After I had painted it I screwed two screws on each side of the frame, then painted the screws and wrapped a steel wire on the screws and then I had a place to hang my pictures.

I am not done. When you have a magnetic board you need magnets. And I didn't want boring ones. So I made them myself. I used silk-flowers,steel wire,quick glue,beads,ribbons, stickers,crochet flower, decoupage stickers,magnetic sheets and borders. Everything can be bought at Panduro Hobby, except the silk flowers witch was bought in a home decoration store. It is suppose to be used to decorate tables!

This blue silk beaded rose magnet

Sticker magnets and crochet flower beaded magnet

Decoupage sticker magnet with borders in the bottom

Decoupage sticker magnet with borders in the bottom

I love Vebjørn Sand and Marianne Aulies paintings. They have made more affordable paintings that the everyday man can buy. But I didn't want to pay 200$. So when the sale brochure from Bohus came in the mail, I cut out the pictures and glued them on a magnetic sheet.

Vebjørn Sand and Marianne Aulie

I like being creative. If I cant use my body I want to use my brain. So besides books, this is my way to keep myself sain. And if I am damned with a life filled with esophagus spasms, then I am going to have something pretty to look at.


  1. den hylla ble kjempe fin, fy søren:) flink du.

  2. Å foresten jeg er heldig, ser det henger bilde av meg på den vakkre hylla å;) ikke dårlig

  3. very nice, like it very much

  4. thank you. I am very happy with the result.

  5. Hei ☺
    Tusen takk for superhyggelig hilsen inne hos meg!
    Kjempefin den hylla blei, også så praktisk da! ☺
    Kjempefine magneter også!
    Ha en flott helg
    Klem Janne Merethe

  6. Hei!

    Den hylla ble veldig fin tilslutt! eg har den samme og dette var et godt tips!! Håper det ikke gjør noe om jeg hermer etter?


  7. tusen takk for hyggelige tilbakemeldinger, og det er bare å herme.kos at andre kan finne nye måter å bruke de møblene de selv har :)
